In den letzten Jahren hat unsere Schule erfolgreich am Comenius Projekt teilgenommen. Gemeinsam mit Schulen aus Ungarn, England, Spanien und Dänemark haben die Schüler Projekte erarbeitet und Konferenzen in den jeweiligen Gastländern besucht. Auch für die Zukunft ist ein länderübergreifendes Projekt im Rahmen des ErasmusPlus-Programms in Planung.




Comenius project: Yes we can. How to become responsible European citizens

The  aim of this Comenius project is to make students understand how  democracy works on different levels in society and enable them to take  an active and innovative part in decision-making in order to make them  realise that they can make a difference and that their voice can be  heard. The overall goal is to support the development of a generation of  young people who feel that they are vital and integrated members of not  only their own countries but also of the European Union and the rest of  the world.


First conference: School democracy

Dronninglund Gymnasium, Denmark


Read more about the conference here

Kurzbericht vom Besuch in Dänemark (pdf Datei)

Droninglund gym

Second conference: Local democracy

St James School, Exeter, UK
Read more about the conference here
Kurzbericht vom Besuch in Exeter (pdf Datei) 
st james school

Third conference: National democracy

Carl-Friedrich-von-Siemens Oberschule, Berlin, Germany
Read more about the conference here
Siemens Gymn

Fourth conference: European democracy

I.E.S Lopez Neyra i Córdoba, Spain
Read more about the conference here

Fifth conference: International democracy

Tamási Áron Általános Iskola és Német Két Tannyelvû Nemzetiségi Gimnázium Budapest, Hungary
Read more about the conference here
gym ungarn